Monday, August 22, 2011

Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure

Oh, girl, you certainaly keep me (and quite a few others in our lives) entertained on a daily (heck, sometimes on a minute to minute basis) basis. I picked you up from school today, and we came home to "play." You wanted to read some books, so you gave me the Strawberry Shortcake Sleepover book to read to you, and you picked out the Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure book to read to me. You opened the book and ran your fingers underneath the words like you were reading it and said, "Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure now available on DVD and Blu-Ray." It took me a few seconds for it to really register what you said, but once it clicked, I got quite a kick out of it. I then had to call Mammi, Daddy, and Sessa to share the entertainment with them. You are too cute!
Daddy is out of town with work tonight (Monday) through Wednesday night, so it was just me and you at bedtime. We did the normal brushing of the teeth, changing of the diaper (which I'm hoping is soon done with as I'm hoping you will be potty trained if you want to go to the Disney Castle, take dance class, go to Aunt Megan's Sunday School class, etc.), read a book, and layed on the monkey. We were laying beside each other, and you said, "Go ahead Mommy." I was clueless as to what you were talking about, and you repeated yourself three times before taking my left arm and wrapping it around you, as you snuggled up close against me. It was so cute, and so sweet, and so amazing. When I tried to move at all, you would respond with, "Go ahead Mommy" as if that means for me to snuggle with you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Love You!

As I'm sitting here on this rainy Tuesday afternoon, watching you dance to the Tinkerbell movie music, I just wanted to express how much I absolutely, 100% love you, Shelbi Mae Gaffney Wert, with every single ounce of myself. You are my heart, my soul, my world, and I would be lost without you. You are so precious, Princess, and I don't think you will ever truely know how much you mean to me!

Monday, April 11, 2011

1st Trip to a Movie Theatre!

I know that a lot of people would look at that title, and think that I'm crazy for even THINKING about taking a two and a half year old to a movie theatre, but I thought we would give it a whirl. Last night I was googling Strawberry Shortcake to see if they had anything new and exciting in her neck of the woods, and I saw that the Strawberry Shortcake move "The Sky's the Limit" which just so happens to be one of Shelbi's absolute favorites was playing at the Flagship Theatre in Mechanicsburg. I thought it would be a neat idea since she likes Strawberry Shortcake so much, to see how she would do in a theatre setting. When I got her up, I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies, and of course she was all gung-ho. So, I got her dressed, and Scott, Shelbi and I headed on our way. She was in a great mood, and when she saw the movie poster for "her" movie, she was beside herself. I was able to capture a picture of her in front of the sign, and it is pretty darn cute if I say so myself. I was also pleasantly surprised when we went into the theatre. Shelbi was free to get in, and Scott and I were only two dollars a piece. You can't beat that. We did end up getting a soda, some popcorn, and some "ice lemons" which is what it sounds like Shelbi is saying when she asks for M&M's. LOL We were not really sure how she would react to the movie due to the fact that it is so large and rather loud, but she really liked it. We were also the only three people in the entire theatre! Shelbi sad in my lap for about the first half of the movie, and then she walked around a tiny bit and came back and sat with me and Scott. All in all, it was pretty neat, and I think that's a neat idea that the theatre does that. Apparently, every Sunday at 10:40 they show a children's movie. I do believe that they change it every month, as when I looked online Strawberry Shortcake is playing again next Sunday. Shelbi was not, however, happy to leave the movie. She didn't quite grasp the concept that it only played once and we were not in charge of it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Barney Egg and Sniff-Sniff!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been wanting to get on here and update for quite a while now, but the time just seems to zip by! We had the hustle and bustle of Christmas (and Nick being home for Christmas), the lovely removal of my right ovary due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, the celebration of the arrival of 2011, a fascinating sickness that managed to merry-go-round itself to our household, hitting most of us a few times, my exciting 32nd birthday, and, well, we cannot forget trying to keep up with Ms. Mae. She is quite a ball of fire who keeps me on my toes (and extremely entertained).
The main attractions for her at Christmas were her state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line play kitchen from Santa Claus, and the super-duper trampoline from Mammi and Pop. When the fuzziness of being up at 7:30am wore off, and she realized that there was a room full of goodies, she went to town with her kitchen. She liked it so much, that she did not even want to open the majority of her other gifts, and they were put on the back burner until the two days following Christmas.

Over the past few months, Scott introduced Shelbi to the wonderful world of Barney. (Since I'm typing on a computer, I'm sure you cannot sense my SARCASM when I said "wonderful world of Barney.") Anyway, "Barney's Great Adventure" (aka Barney Egg as Shelbi calls it) has been a HUGE hit in our house with Shelbi. So much, in fact, that Netflix, which is accessible from ANY computer, our Wii, and even my iPhone) has become my best friend. For some reason, she is madly in love with that movie, and she has tortured all of us (now to include Mammi as well) with the "Barney Egg" story. She has also taken a liking to Strawberry Shortcake. The first time she was introduced to her, it was in the form of a McDonald's Happy Meal toy that was scented (like a strawberry). Ever since then, she associates everything Strawberry Shortcake with that scent, and refers to her, her movies, her stickers, etc., as "sniff, sniff." "Sniff, sniff" involves the wrinkling of her nose, the pursing of her lips, and two short blows out of her nostrils. Anyway, it is very entertaining! Last week she received a Strawberry Shortcake sticker book, and she has demanded to sleep with it every night since! (I am on the lookout for a Strawberry Shortcake doll to hopefully replace the book!).

In other news, she was so adorable the other night. She accidentally got her finger pinched in the freezer door, and was extremely distraught (until the mention of a band-aid). Upon the procedure of kissing the boo-boo about 87 times, and applying the band-aid, she was all better. A few minutes later, rather out of the blue, she walked up to me, pointed her band-aid covered finger at me and said, "Thank you Mommy. Boo-boo all better!"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Boy How Time Flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can hardly believe that my once 5 pound 4.7 ounce peanut is now 25 pounds and 34 inches long! Where has the time gone? I'm no longer the mother of a "baby," but I'm the mother of a "toddler" who is Ms. Independent (when she wants to be LOL)! I love every single minute of motherhood, and by far, Shelbi Mae Gaffney Wert is the highlight of my life. She has become such a loving and affectionate little princess, and I do mean princess. She likes to color and paint and play in the sand and get into all kinds of fun stuff, until she realizes that she got paint or sand or dirt or anything on her hands. Then it turns ito "oh, no!" as she's either trying to wipe her hands on ME or showing me her hands to assist with the disposal of the paint, dirt, etc. I was never the "princess" type, so I'm not quite sure what to expect and/or how to handle it. I guess we will both figure it out as we go. LOL
She still loves her Sesame Street (Elmo and Ernie appear to be her favorite), but she is now into Ariel and Flounder from "The Little Mermaid" as well. I just absolutely love it when she comes over to me and says "Ariel," as that is the cutiest thing EVER. She just recently started talking (saying things OTHER THAN Mom, Dad, NO, yes, doggie-doggie-doggie, etc.), and she is really starting to pick up the language. It's adorable to watch her transform from a baby into a mini-human. LOL There are days/nights when I simply stare at her in awe and amazement, and I hope she never looses sight of how much I love her.

This is from my other blog which was accidently started.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Well, THAT was fun...
There's definitely some sarcasm in that! LOL Too bad Mammi just barely missed out on the excitement. She was nice enough to stop by when she was out and about (which she really shouldn't be doing because she has a BROKEN FOOT) to drop off my taxes. She came in and hung out with her "Bi" for a few minutes, and then headed to her next destination. Shortly after that, Shelbi was playing contently in her Exersauser. She started to cry pretty hard pretty quickly, so I picked her up, and caught a whiff of some, um, poop. The not pooping for a couple days is just lovely when it finally decided to come to the surface. I went to change her diaper, and she was a horrible mess. I stripped her down, and headed upstairs to the bathroom for a tubby only to find that the fuse had blown in the bathroom, and there was no light, and there are no windows in that bathroom. I put her in her PNP and headed to the basement to flip the fuse. Upon my return, Shelbi decided that she wanted to pee as well. Bath went nice, she's all nice and clean, and now she's fidgeting in her swing...fighting sleep...and I'm hoping to get some more cleaning done around the house and listen to the LMN movie that I have on that has Christopher Meloni in it (even though I do NOT like his character) and/or General Hospital.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cute, Fun Times

Today (well, technically, it was yesterday, but on my schedule, it is still part of today since I have not been to sleep yet) was another fun day. I had off of work Thursday night, and Shelbi was up bright and early Friday morning at 7:45am. I know that's not really bright and early for a lot of you, but for me and for my little peanut, it is. Anyway, we got up and got dressed and headed to the Adventure Zone park in Mechanicsburg. We met Laryssa and handsome Holden there for our playdate. Wow! That was a very nice park. Very new and very nice. Shelbi seemed to really enjoy herself, and can I say that Holden had me cracking up quite a bit during our 2 hours there. At one point, the munchkins were following each other around, and as Holden was climbing up the steps of the one section of the playground, he turned around to Shelbi and said, "come on honey." Laryssa and I both got quite a kick out of that. After our time at the playground, we headed over to meet Pap for a quick lunch and then visited with Aunt Cathy, Christine, and Branden for a few hours before heading home for nap time. This evening we stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few items, and boy was little Miss Shelbi entertaining. We got one of the carts with the car for her to "drive" in the front, and half way through the store, she decided that she wanted to get out and PUSH THE CART. She then proceeded to gently pick up three packages of Nutter Butters (she actually tried for four but couldn't handle all of them at once), and attempted to put them all into the cart. When we were finally able to pull her away from them, she walked up the aisle touching each bag of chips and pretzels. Fifteen minutes later, we managed to make our way to the front of the store. There, we found a bin of discounted books, and low and behold, there was an Abby Cadabby book (that Scott found...I know...I cannot believe that I missed that), and Shelbi jumped right on that. She was carrying that around, and I instructed her that I had to pay for it first (as sometimes she gets rather distraught and upset when she is holding/playing with something that needs to be purchased), and she marched right up to the one register, stood on her tippy toes, and placed the book on the belt. It was very cute and very grown up. Sniff, sniff. While I was loading the groceries onto the belt, we convinced her to hang out in the cart for a few minutes, and on our way out the door, she decided that she wanted to use the watermellon as a chair. Which, again, was very, very cute! I so love being her Mommy!