Thursday, January 27, 2011

Barney Egg and Sniff-Sniff!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been wanting to get on here and update for quite a while now, but the time just seems to zip by! We had the hustle and bustle of Christmas (and Nick being home for Christmas), the lovely removal of my right ovary due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, the celebration of the arrival of 2011, a fascinating sickness that managed to merry-go-round itself to our household, hitting most of us a few times, my exciting 32nd birthday, and, well, we cannot forget trying to keep up with Ms. Mae. She is quite a ball of fire who keeps me on my toes (and extremely entertained).
The main attractions for her at Christmas were her state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line play kitchen from Santa Claus, and the super-duper trampoline from Mammi and Pop. When the fuzziness of being up at 7:30am wore off, and she realized that there was a room full of goodies, she went to town with her kitchen. She liked it so much, that she did not even want to open the majority of her other gifts, and they were put on the back burner until the two days following Christmas.

Over the past few months, Scott introduced Shelbi to the wonderful world of Barney. (Since I'm typing on a computer, I'm sure you cannot sense my SARCASM when I said "wonderful world of Barney.") Anyway, "Barney's Great Adventure" (aka Barney Egg as Shelbi calls it) has been a HUGE hit in our house with Shelbi. So much, in fact, that Netflix, which is accessible from ANY computer, our Wii, and even my iPhone) has become my best friend. For some reason, she is madly in love with that movie, and she has tortured all of us (now to include Mammi as well) with the "Barney Egg" story. She has also taken a liking to Strawberry Shortcake. The first time she was introduced to her, it was in the form of a McDonald's Happy Meal toy that was scented (like a strawberry). Ever since then, she associates everything Strawberry Shortcake with that scent, and refers to her, her movies, her stickers, etc., as "sniff, sniff." "Sniff, sniff" involves the wrinkling of her nose, the pursing of her lips, and two short blows out of her nostrils. Anyway, it is very entertaining! Last week she received a Strawberry Shortcake sticker book, and she has demanded to sleep with it every night since! (I am on the lookout for a Strawberry Shortcake doll to hopefully replace the book!).

In other news, she was so adorable the other night. She accidentally got her finger pinched in the freezer door, and was extremely distraught (until the mention of a band-aid). Upon the procedure of kissing the boo-boo about 87 times, and applying the band-aid, she was all better. A few minutes later, rather out of the blue, she walked up to me, pointed her band-aid covered finger at me and said, "Thank you Mommy. Boo-boo all better!"