Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Been A While...

So I thought that I would finally get my fingers back on here and update this blog. Well, it's official...Shelbi is officially one year old. This past year has flown by. I cannot believe that a year ago today, she was in the Harrisburg hospital NICU fighting to get her heart under control. Thank you so much to everyone out that who hoped and prayed and thought about her and our family during those very trying times.

Oh a much happier note, I believe that Shelbi had quite a nice birthday. Saturday was her big bash, and I am so happy that everyone could attend. It was so nice to see everyone, and have them share in the excitement. She got to see her Mammi and Pop (who were nice enough to pick up the chicken tray from the wacko's at Chick Fil-A and the balloons) and Pap, her Aunt Megan and Uncle Nelson (who were so very kind to come early and help Shelbi's crazy mother! LOL), her Aunt Karen, Aunt Steph, Uncle Erik, Josie, her Aunt Dana, Aunt Patty, cousin Jennifer, Aunt Deb, Uncle Tom, cousins Tomi and Hunter, Aunt Donna, Dori, Non, Miseon (who traveled quite a distance), and of course her mom and dad. She enjoyed being the center of attention, showing off her fake cough, opening presents, playing with wrapping paper, and, of course, trying out her cake. I will say that she made out like a bandit with her nice and thoughtful gifts. I'm not sure who will have more fun with them...Shelbi or me! LOL I figure that I need to enjoy being her playmate for now, as I know that it will not last for very long, as I will have to be the "bad guy."

Today, we had a very nice day consisting of visiting Zoo America with Aunt Steph and Josie. We got to see all kinds of creatures, and once we finished that expedition, we headed to a nice lunch at Hoss's, where little Ms. Shelbi endulged in a cheeseburger slider, french fries, applesauce, Cheerios, mini goldfish crackers, and, of course, some of Mommy's ice cream. We then headed on our merry way to Build A Bear, where Shelbi and Josie each made their very first "Build-An-Animal." Shelbi opted for the heart bear (Mae Beary), and she picked a very cute birthday shirt for her to sport, along with some jeans and a pair of pink and white Skecher sneaks. Josie decided to go with the monkey, Maya, and she chose a very cute "girly" outfit. After all of our birthday fun, we stopped by Mammi's house, so she could see the birthday girl, and so I could catch a couple of minutes of zzzzzzzzzzz's (thanks so much Mammi). To finish off the night, we took good ole Pap out to the dinner of his choice (Red Lobster) for his birthday celebration, where both he and Shelbi were serinaded with the traditional "Happy Birthday" from the Red Lobster staff and some whipped cream with a candle.

Little Ms. Drama Queen has decided that she does not want to take naps during the day anymore. Instead, she has decided to scream for an hour and a half to two hours, and prevent her sleep deprived mother from getting a nap. We are trying to work through it, and hopefully it will resolve itself in the VERY near future.

Shelbi is not walking on her own yet, but she is a crawling champ, and she loves to pull herself up, walk around tables, chairs, anything that she can get around, and we are trying to break her of her love of wires. She's learning more and more everyday, and she is growing and changing in ways I never imagined. I cannot wait to see what each day holds.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I tried to sum it up in a nutshell, but it ended up being an entire Oak tree. I will try to keep this updated and keep everyone abreast to what is going on with my Little Peanut! Oh, and one more thing...tooth number 2 is popping through!